Popular Press Articles
BDG (2013): A Less Disposable Way of Holding Each Other Accountable
The Atlantic (2015): Genes Don’t Cause Racial Health Disparities, Society Does
The Atlantic (2013): How Racism is Bad for our Bodies
The New York Times (2018): How to Talk about 'Race' and Genetics
Andrea Smith's Blog (2013): The Problem With “Privilege”
The ZM, Zimbabwe News (2016): USA's Biggest Hospital Sued $1B For STI Experiments on Black People
Aljazeera America (2013): Weed all about it: The origins of the word ‘marijuana’
The Atlantic (2017): The Destructiveness of Call-Out Culture on Campus
APHA (2020): Racism Is an Ongoing Public Health Crisis that Needs Our Attention Now
Reuters (2020): George Floyd - America's Racial Inequality in Numbers
The Verge (2020): Telehealth Wasn't Designed for Non-English Speakers
Global Health Now (2020): Why the Racism Roiling America is a Public Health Issue
Environmental Health News (2020): Environmental Injustice in Pittsburgh - Poor Minority Neighborhoods See Higher Rates of Deaths from Air Pollution
Nieman Reports (2019). Why We Banned the Word 'Ethnic'
Closler (2020): Doing Something or Doing Nothing - Health Disparities, Racial Justice, and the Risk of Failing to Meet this Moment
New Scientist (2020): Minority Scientists Still Face Many Forms of Institutional Racism
African Arguments (2020): An Open Letter from Prominent Africans - We Cannot Remain Silent
Medium (2018): The Picture is Actually White Supremacy at Work
Philadelphia Inquirer (2020): Systemic Racism is a Public Health Issue. Community Health Workers are Proven to Help.
Carto. (2020). U.S. Social Determinants of Health Atlas - Map of the Month.
NPR. (2020). CDC Employees Call Out Agency's 'Toxic Culture of Racial Aggressions' (includes full letter from employees)
APHA Int'l Health Section. (2019). The Forgotten Health Inequality: Languages and Medical Information.
Kaiser Family Foundation. (2019). Key Facts on Health and Health Care by Race and Ethnicity.
APHA (2020): Declarations on racism as a public health issue, by state
San Francisco Chronicle (2020): Does racism make us sick? Amid a national reckoning, the question gains new importance
New York Times (2020): Pollution is killing Black Americans. This community fought back.
Kaiser Family Foundation (2020). Disparities in health and health care: Five key questions and answers
Citi GS. (2020). Closing the Racial Inequality Gaps. The Economics Costs of Black Inequality in the U.S.
STAT. (2020). From a Small Town in North Carolina to Big-City Hospitals, How Software Infuses Racism into U.S. Health Care.
Reuters. (2020). 5 Takeaways from STAT's Investigation of Bias in the Use of Health-Cost Analytics Software.
NPR. (2020). A New Hippocratic Oath Asks Doctors to Fight Racial Injustice and Misinformation.
Vox. (2020). How To Talk Someone Out of Bigotry.
Kaiser Health News. (2020). What Doctors Aren't Always Taught - How To Spot Racism in Health Care.
Health Policy Watch. (2020). Addressing Global Nurses' Shortage Means Tackling Ethics of Migration, Working Conditions, and Gender Equity.
Vox. (2020). The Trauma of Thanksgiving for Native Communities During a Pandemic.
Scientific American. (2020). Take Racism Out of Medical Algorithms.
Johns Hopkins Public Health. (2020). Fall 2020 Newsletter: Hope in a Racialized Society.
Axios. (2020). Recreating Racism in VR to Fight Real Racism.
UIHI. (2020). Urban Indian Dictionary.
Univ of Washington. (nd). Interactive Maps of Race in Seattle.
APHA. (2021). Racial Equity Fact Sheet.
The Atlantic (2017): The Destructiveness of Call-Out Culture on Campus
Tolerance.org (2020): Teaching Tolerance Without Inducing Trauma
AACN (2020): AACN Statement on Academic Nursing's Call for Liberty and Justice for All
Medium (2020): White Academia: Do Better. Higher Education Has a Problem. It's Called White Supremacy
EdWeek (2020): How to Root Out Anti-Black Racism from Your School
Nursing Community Coalition (2020): Nursing Community Coalition Members United in Fight Against Racism and Injustice
Harvard Business Review (2020): Academic Isn't a Safe Haven for Conversations abour Race and Racism
UNESCO (Int'l Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean). (2020). The George Floyd Case and Racism in Higher Education Systems and Institutions.
University World News (2020): The myth of meritocracy in America's university system
The Verge (2020): How the world's biggest general science society is tackling racism
Med Page Today (2020): Study backs Flexner Report's negative impact on Black physicians
BBC (2020): The medical school trying to become anti-racist
Nature (2020): Universities scrub names of racist leaders. Students say it's a first step.
National Academics of Medicine (2020): Educating health professions educators to address the "-isms"
Undark (2020): After years of gains, Black STEM representationis falling. Why?
Nature (2020): Too many senior white academics still resist recognizing racism.
Health Affiars (2020): Addressing systemic racial inequality in the health care workforce
Health Affairs (2020): On racism: A new standard for publishing on racial health inequities
Nature. (2020). How We Formed a "Journal Club" for Equity in Science.
International Higher Education. (2020). #BlackLivesMatter: A New Age of Student Activism.
Stanford Social Review. (2020). The Bias of "Professionalism" Standards.
CIARS. (2020). Dismantling Anti-Black Racism in Schooling, Education, and Beyond: Resource Guide.
adult health
STAT (2020): A years-long push to remove racist bias from kidney testing gains new ground
Public Health Post (2020): Race and algorithms
JAMA Network Open (2020): Evaluation of racial disparities in hospice use and end-of-life treatment intensity in the REGARDS cohort
Today (2020): How your zip code affects your health as a Black woman
Hypertension (2020); Discrimination and hypertension risk among African Americans in the Jackson Heart Study
Nature. (2020). Cancer Doesn't See Color, but the Pipeline Does.
ProPublica. (2020). New Bill Aims to End Racial Disparities in Amputations.
STAT. (2020). Racial Disparities in COVID-19 Are Bad. They're Even Worse in Cancer.
ProPublica. (2020). Tethered to the Machine. (racial bias and dialysis)
Reproductive health
The Guardian (2015): Guatemalans deliberately infected with STDs
Huff Post (2015): Meet The Midwife Starting The First Native American Birth Center
Aljazeera America (2015): Los Angeles midwives aim to end racial disparities at birth
Rewire News (2014): When You Try to Stop it, Nothing Happens: A Q&A on the History of Coerced Sterilizations in California
New York Times Magazine (2018). Black Mothers
Seattle Times (2020): The Case for Midwives - Washington State Leads the Nation in Midwifery Care
GAO (2020): Maternal Mortality - Trends in Pregnancy-Related Deaths and Federal Efforts to Reduce Them
Black Enterprise (2020): This woman launched a virtual postpartum doula service for Black mothers
The Times-Picayune (LA) (2020): 65 Louisiana women died pregnancy-connected deaths. Almost all were preventable, report finds.
Vox (2020): America is failing Black moms during the pandemic
Washington Post (2020): The number of pregnant Latinas with COVID-19 is staggering. And a warning sign, doctors say.
Tampa Bay Tribune (2020): When a Black baby is born, the doctor's race matters
CBS News (2020): How Black doulas are fighting the maternal mortality crisis
MMWR. (2020). Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Fetal Deaths - United States, 2015 - 2017.
The Cut. (2020). Reports of ICES's Forced Hysterectomies are Nothing New in America.
Union of Concerned Scientists. (2020). Hysterectomies at an ICE Facility and the Complicity of Science in Reproductive Rights Violations.
19th News. (2020). "Belly of the Beast" Spotlights Forced Sterilizations in California Prisons. (see Multimedia page for Link to Documentary)
NPR. (2020). The Philippines Has a Policy Against Home Births. It's Not Playing Well in a Pandemic.
The Commonwealth Fund. (2020). Maternal Mortality and Maternity Care in the United States Compared to 100 Other Developed Countries.
STAT (2020). 'It Just Weighs On Your Psyche': Black Americans on Mental Health, Trauma, and Resilience
American Psychological Association. (n.d.) Health Disparities and Stress Fact Sheet.
Tampa Bay Tribune. (2020). Blacks, Hispanics, and Men Get Less Mental Health Care, New CDC Data Says.
Reuters. (2020). New York City To Try Responding to Mental Health Calls Without Police.
American Academy of Pediatrics (2020): Timing of the diagnosis of autism in African American children
NEJM (2020): When actions speak louder than words - Racism and sickle cell disease
Spectrum News. (2020). How Autism Researchers Can Better Reach Black Families.
Global & PUBLIC health
BMJ Global Health (2020): Global health degrees - At what cost?
BMJ Global Health (2020): Decolonizing global health - If not now, when?
Global Health Council (2020): Black voices - Decolonizing global health (video)
The European Sting (part of the World Economic Forum; 2020): How can we overcome the racial barriers to global health parity?
Medium (2020): 'I spent most of my career listening to white folks complain about Africa and Africans'
The Nation's Health (APHA). (2020). Equity at Center of Revised 10 Essential Public Health Services.
Infectious diseases
(not covid)
Instagram (2020): Racism, not race, is a risk factor for infectious diseases (posting by a physician)
Africa's Centers for Disease Control
AJPH. (2019). Since 1619: The Lingering Imprint of Slavery on American Public Health (podcast)
CNN. (2020). Everyday Words and Phrases that Have Racist Connotations.
The Guardian. (2020). "The Worshipping of Whiteness": Why Racist Symbols Persist in America.
NYT. (2020). Our Democracy's Founding Ideals Were False When They Were Written. Black Americans Have Fought to Make them True.
Facing the Truth (Bill Moyers). (2014). The Case for Reparations - Interview with Ta-Neihisi Coates.
KCTS9. (Various). PNW Explained. Links to short videos on various PNW issues, many addressed community inequity
National Day of Racial Healing. (n.d.)
Seattle U. Office of Divisity and Inclusion. (2020). Juneteenth and Social Progress.