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Equity and Justice Committee Events

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The Equity and Justice Committee (EJC) is a standing committee of the Seattle University College of Nursing (CON) which takes action on issues of equity and social justice within the CON. The EJC is faculty-chaired and led by students, with the support and participation of staff and faculty. The purpose of the committee is to liaise with existing committees and other people and structures within the College to initiate or sustain actions to ameliorate systematized disadvantages or marginalization students and faculty encounter. Within the EJC we share experiences and analyze where the CON can make improvements to serve marginalized students, faculty, and staff, including but not limited to those who are marginalized by race, financial hardship, prior academic experiences, or other salient identities. The committee is dedicated to using an anti-racist framework to pursue equity and justice for all marginalized students, faculty, and staff, while centering the concerns of students of color, low-income students, first-generation college students, and faculty/staff of color.

This website is not currently updated or monitored. Click here for more information about the SUCON Equity and Justice Committee.

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